Tuesday, March 29, 2011

So excited!

I have contacted Eco-Schools International & have already gotten contacts in Kuala Lumpur, Istanbul & AMsterdam for visiting schools on my trip!  One more great way to meet good people along the way!

Also- so happy that my middle school just earned the Eco-Schools USA Bronze Award!!


  1. Dear GiGi,
    [1] Contacting fellow teachers who share your passion for science: a perfect way to cope with pre-trip jitters! It locks in something concrete you can count on. It also gives you something fun and interesting to look forward to in those cities, helps guarantee good use of the limited time you'll have, and even gives you something subject-related to share with your students when you get home!

    I did something similar when a had a week-long business trip to San Francisco once. I found out, ahead of time, where the nearest Women's Aglow Fellowship group was, that would be meeting during my time frame, and contacted their president. I took the train, was her over- night guest, and had a wonderful time at her meeting - even got asked to stand up and field a few questions.

    [2] School award: congratulations! I know how hard you have worked - your projects surely had a lot to do with Einstein's earning this honor.

  2. Thanks Vicki! I did not know you did that San Fransisco trip! Great idea! I am also in the process of contacting churches about the song---I am suggesting both "Amazing Grace" and "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands"!
