Saturday, February 26, 2011

Exciting Day!

Today is such an exciting day because I did 3 things for my world trip:

  1. I booked my hotel room in Baden-Baden, Germany for 2 nights in early August.  That is a town renowned for its mineral springs & spas & wonderful scenery on the edge of the Black Forest.  I am sure I will need a day of soaking in the springs after 6 days of busy travel & hiking & activity as I go from Florence, Italy, to the Swiss Alps, Salzburg & the Austrian Alps, then across southern Germany!
  2. I bought my Eurail Global Pass!!!  That is  big deal!  It will get me all through Europe!  Something I like about needing to get the global pass to do the amount of travel I will do, is that it is automatically 1st class travel.  I think that means a bit more space & meals included.  We shall see!
  3. I continued my exercise plan following my hand surgery: vigorous walks & pilates most days of the week.  That way I will be strong & fit on my trip.  I love to hike all over towns & cities & beaches & forests!  I also continue my P.T. for the carpal tunnel & will do so for my thumb as soon as I get the pin out of it on Monday.
So excited today!  I looked my itinerary over again too & got kind of tingly in my bones 'cause I know it is more and more REAL!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Around the Corner...

I am struck by how life can change suddenly in a moment. Just around the corner things can be so different than you thought they were going to be.  It always amazes me that we limit our thinking. We were made to be creative people, so why not believe in wildly exciting possibilities and outcomes?  Anything is possible.  Even bad things can suddenly happen & be so very interesting: I had no idea that my hand would need surgery this year. The pain was not an issue for me.  I have had plenty of that. But this infirmity has included a whole series of events that have taught me much about my own vulnerability and more about life, family & friends. I have learned to sink into a feeling of comfortable dependence.  It's OK.  I would have fought it at one time, but I accept it now.  Something new. 

I like being open to change. Even when it is scary. I must be ready for that on my world trip.  So many things will go right and I will be astounded. Some things may go wrong.  I will flex and accept and adapt.  I will find help in unlikely places. I am more open to the possible than ever before.  Surprising things, just round the corner.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Seriously dreaming of the whole world today!
Stronger, loved, is possible!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Feeling Good, Nina Simone


Well, I just got back from a beautiful 1 1/2 days up by this beautiful mountain, Mt. Baker.  The glorious view itself is inspiring, but I was at a women's retreat that inpired me in much bigger way:

  • As we sang together, earnestly thanking God for being "Ruler of all nature," I saw a much bigger vision. I saw the whole world more as He must see it.  Yes, He sees the wars & hate, but I KNOW He sees, all over the world, people singing to Him, walking around with joyful hearts because of the beauty of the Earth.  Salted through the whole planet is the seasoning of happy, joyful people, caring for the planet, caring for each other, feeding each other, singing happy songs & smiling.  I know God sees this & loves it.
  • As I travel I will look for the good seasoning.  Taste & see, the Lord is good!
If you get a chance, check out Dirt: The Movie.  It is a fantastic film about protecting the thin film of soil that most life on our planet depends on.  Maybe you will want to taste the soil!?