I am struck by how life can change suddenly in a moment. Just around the corner things can be so different than you thought they were going to be. It always amazes me that we limit our thinking. We were made to be creative people, so why not believe in wildly exciting possibilities and outcomes? Anything is possible. Even bad things can suddenly happen & be so very interesting: I had no idea that my hand would need surgery this year. The pain was not an issue for me. I have had plenty of that. But this infirmity has included a whole series of events that have taught me much about my own vulnerability and more about life, family & friends. I have learned to sink into a feeling of comfortable dependence. It's OK. I would have fought it at one time, but I accept it now. Something new.
I like being open to change. Even when it is scary. I must be ready for that on my world trip. So many things will go right and I will be astounded. Some things may go wrong. I will flex and accept and adapt. I will find help in unlikely places. I am more open to the possible than ever before. Surprising things, just round the corner.
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