Saturday, February 26, 2011

Exciting Day!

Today is such an exciting day because I did 3 things for my world trip:

  1. I booked my hotel room in Baden-Baden, Germany for 2 nights in early August.  That is a town renowned for its mineral springs & spas & wonderful scenery on the edge of the Black Forest.  I am sure I will need a day of soaking in the springs after 6 days of busy travel & hiking & activity as I go from Florence, Italy, to the Swiss Alps, Salzburg & the Austrian Alps, then across southern Germany!
  2. I bought my Eurail Global Pass!!!  That is  big deal!  It will get me all through Europe!  Something I like about needing to get the global pass to do the amount of travel I will do, is that it is automatically 1st class travel.  I think that means a bit more space & meals included.  We shall see!
  3. I continued my exercise plan following my hand surgery: vigorous walks & pilates most days of the week.  That way I will be strong & fit on my trip.  I love to hike all over towns & cities & beaches & forests!  I also continue my P.T. for the carpal tunnel & will do so for my thumb as soon as I get the pin out of it on Monday.
So excited today!  I looked my itinerary over again too & got kind of tingly in my bones 'cause I know it is more and more REAL!

1 comment:

  1. Dear GiGi,
    Baden-Baden and Eurail: good work! Two more concerns off of your mind and turned into two more sources of assurance. Your exercising: you are SUCH a hard worker! More power to you.
